Stress Management Techniques for the Holiday Season

Stress is common during the holiday season, even in Hallmark movies! Fortunately, there are techniques you can use to help keep stress at bay.

For example, a strategy that many life coaches recommend is to prioritize and reschedule. That simply means prioritizing what’s truly important this month — perhaps an upcoming get-together with family — and focusing your energies on that. Then, schedule other lower-priority tasks for later in the month or even into January. This will reduce the stress of trying to do everything at once.

Another technique is to delegate. Who says you have to do it all yourself? Ask other family members to chip in if you have preparations in and around the home. When delegating, assign tasks based on an individual’s strengths. For example, give organizing-related tasks to the family member who is best at organizing.

Finally, consider creating or identifying a “quiet space” so you have somewhere to retreat to when things get hectic. This can be somewhere in the home, such as a favourite reading nook, or a place away from home, like a local coffee shop. Even a walk around the block can serve as a well-needed respite.

While December can bring about a flurry of tasks, managing stress is about reclaiming the joy and warmth that Christmas and the holiday season are meant to represent. These techniques will help ensure that happens.