Low-Cost Ways to Reduce Sound Infiltration into Your Home

Are you contemplating selling your home but are concerned about the impact of external noise on its overall appeal? You don't necessarily need to embark on a major renovation to address this issue.

Explore these budget-friendly suggestions:

Let's start with the doors. Often, external noise finds its way through gaps around doors. Repairing or replacing the weatherstripping around the door frame provides a sound-absorbing cushion.

Windows are another common source of noise infiltration. Consider incorporating heavy, thick curtains to effectively dampen outside sounds. This affordable addition can surprisingly contribute significantly to minimizing bothersome noises.

Don't overlook the walls! Seal any cracks or holes; even seemingly minor fixes can prevent sound from infiltrating your space, much like a mouse finding its way through the tiniest openings.

Lastly, enhance your living areas with soft furnishings. Rugs, cushions, and fabric wall hangings serve as sound absorbers, creating a more tranquil environment. While these may not be permanent solutions, they can enhance the visual appeal of your home and contribute to a quieter atmosphere.